sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2017

Meu poema para o fim do ano de 2017 / My chosen poem for the end of the year

Olá, queridos leitores!
Eis o meu poema de final de ano, como uma mensagem para 2018, mais uma vez tirada da minha tarefa de montar um calendário de 52 segundas-feiras de poemas no blog da Rede de Bibliotecas Públicas de Guarulhos. É incrível como os livros de poemas certos caem na minha mão quando eu preciso deles!!
Feliz Ano Novo!!

Hello dear readers!
You have now my chosen poem of the end of 2017 as a message for 2018, one more time took from my annual task of selection and setting of a 52 Mondays poems to the blog of System Public Library of Guarulhos. For me is incredible how the right books of poetry is laid to me when I need them.
Happy New Year!

SILVA, Abel. Se queres vida. IN: Só uma palavra me devora: poesia completa e inéditos. 3a.ed. Rio de Janeiro, Record, 2001. p.152

Se queres vida tira do caminho
o que não vive, não voa, o que apodrece,
apaga este fogo que te queima
e te devora a carne e não te aquece.
Também esquece qualquer ressentimento
que te amargue a boca e te emudeça,
retira as pedras de teu peito,
as pedras rolam e impedem que
E ouve bem o ritmo secreto do silêncio
e tudo que ensinam as linhas de tua mão
bebe deste rio que em segrego
brota da nascente do teu coração.

If you want life (translation of Lucia Sasaki)

If you want life take of your way

what doesn't lives, doesn't flies, what spoils
Put out this fire that burns you
and that devour your flesh and doesn't warms you.
Also, forget any hurt
that embitter your mouth and make you mute,
withdraw the stones in your breast
the stones roll and prevent
that you slumber.
And hear well the secret rhytm of silence
and all that is taught by the lines of your hand
drink from this river that in secret
springs from the well of your heart.

2 comentários:

  1. Thank you for the poem. And a happy and creative new year to you!

    1. Happy and creative new year to you, too, Sheila!
      Do you know, at first I thought about another poem, Rabi ben Ezra, from Robert Browning when I needed to catalog Uma só palavra me devora (it would be like One only word devour me) and I felt in love with this poem. I thought to myself: Oh, it reminds The tree of pacifiers so much (The tree of pacifiers was my poem of the last year), it was a kind of contintuation of it and I knew that it must be the poem of this year. I think it is a kind of process. If God allows me, who knows if I put Rabi ben Ezra in 2018?
      Thanks so much for writing, it means a lot to me!
