domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Oficina de origami tradicional no Espaço 308: confecção de tsurus

Olá, queridos leitores!
Registro a realização da oficina de origami tradicional: confecção de tsurus em homenagem ao Dia internacional da Paz (06 de agosto).
Sempre destaco que uso a metodologia apresentada pela origamista japonesa Toshie Takahashi, que primeiro ensina as bases e depois os objetos. Neste caso, antes de se fazer o tsuru, apresentei as bases do quadrado, do cone de sorvete e do pássaro.

Hello dear readers!
My last workshop of traditional origami, this time making the tsuru in homage to Peace Day (August 6th).
i always tell that i use Toshie Takahashi methodology, in which we teach firstly the bases and after the objects. in this case i taught square, kite and bird bases.


Acredito que se os alunos aprendem a fazer as bases preliminares, fazer a dobra do tsuru não fica tão complicado e ninguém se perde no caminho.
i believe that if the students learn to make the prelimanary bases the tsuru isn't too complicated and anyone get lost in the middle of the process.

O processo deu certo pois todos fizeram seus tsurus. Foi uma tarde de sábado muito satisfatória.
The process was successful  because all of the students could make their tsurus. it was a very happy Saturday.

2 comentários:

  1. Happy looking students, happy looking instructor. happy birds!

  2. Hi Sheila thanks for commenting!
    You are right it was a very happy happening.
    I always wanted to learn how to fold tsurus but i only conquered it this year readind a book of michael lafosse. For me it was a very joyous achievement!
    I am sure that learning to fold tsurus was a glad occasion to students, i am very happy to teach them.
    Thanks again!
