Olá, queridos leitores!
Quero compartilhar com vocês uma série de postagens a respeito da minha viagem à Inglaterra, de longe o evento mais esperado do ano.
Fui com minha amiga Miyuki e meu fiel mascote Pipo.
Basicamente permanecemos em 2 cidades: Manchester (2 semanas) e Londres (1 semana).
Como vocês podem ver, Pipo já estava mais do que preparado para viajar!
Hello dear readers!
I want to share a serie of posts about my trip to England, so far my most important event this year. Mind you, this year was full of important events, but this is the more important.
I went with my friend Miyuki and Pipo, my faithful plush pet.
Basicly we stayed in 2 main cities: Manchester (2 weeks) and London (1 week). As you can see, Pipo was more than ready to the trip!
We took a flight to Europe in Friday, October 13rd and arrived in Manchester International Airport in Saturday, October 14th.
Manchester é a 2a. maior cidade da Inglaterra e eu a escolhi por causa do curso de inglês que me propus a fazer: Em Manchester, com estadia e 2 refeições por dia, o curso era mais barato do que em Londres, com apenas a estadia e o café da manhã.
Como vocês podem ver pelo mapa, a grande Manchester é uma conurbação da cidade principal com as cidades limítrofes. Como São Paulo e Guarulhos.
Eu fiquei numa casa em Oldham, que fica ao norte de Manchester.
Manchester is the 2nd biggest city of England and I choose it because there the English course I desired to attend was cheaper than the Londoner one:
(Manchester = the classes + house + 2 meals are cheaper than London = the classes + bed and breakfast)
As you can see in the map, Great Manchester is a conurbation of the main city with borderliner ones. Like São Paulo and Guarulhos.
I stayed in a house in Oldham, in the northern Manchester.
Meu endereço em Manchester era Berdfordshire Close, in Chadderton, distrito de Oldham. Nesta foto, é a casa do meio. Confesso que quando cheguei, entendi a piada do Doctor Who, em que a Tardis era "maior por dentro"! Pois bem, a casa do meio era maior por dentro! Muito graciosa. Minha anfitriã, Rayna, foi excelente em tudo.
My adress in Manchester was Bedfordshire Close, in Chadderton, a district of Oldham. In this picture, it is the middle house. I must confess that, when I arrived there, I understood the joke in Doctor Who series, in which the Tardis was "bigger inside". So, the middle house was bigger inside! So gracious. My host, Rayna, was excellent in all.
Esta sou eu, o Pipo e o nosso novo amiguinho! Eu o nomeei Bob Mancunian porque os nativos de Manchester são mancunians.
Como vocês podem ver, mal o Pipo chegou e já começou a fazer amizade.
Quando vi a paisagem da janela, eu me toquei que, de fato, eu estava na Inglaterra. Que sensação incrível!!
Claro que descansei cedo neste sábado.
Domingo eu fui para o centro da cidade para me perder lá, peguei um taxi para ir ao culto da igreja a que pertenço e fiz uma viagem de city tour.
Na 2a.feira acordei atrasada, cheguei mais atrasada ainda na escola para a avaliação, mas tudo deu certo no final. Depois do teste, nós, os alunos novos fizemos um city tour a pé pelo centro da cidade. Quando voltamos à escola, descobri que eu fiquei na turma avançada. Bom né?
This is me and Pipo and our new little friend! I named him Bob Mancunian because the natives of Manchester are mancunians.
As you can see, Pipo already started to make friends.
When I saw the landscape through the window I realized that, in fact I was in England! Wow, incredible sensation!
Of course I slept early that Saturday.
Sunday I went to Manchester downtown to get lost, then I took a cab to the service at the church I belong and after that I met Miyuki at downtown and we took a bus that works exclusivelly to city sightseeing.
I overslept on Monday and I arrived late in the school for the evaluation test. What a shame, all are waiting for me. We did the evaluation assessment and after that we went to an on foot cityseeing in downtown. When we arrived to school I discovered that I would stay in the Advanced level class. Cool, isn't it?
Em Manchester ainda era escuro as 7h da manhã. Como as aulas começavam às 8:15, eu saía bem cedo de casa porque eu levava quase uma hora para chegar à escola.
In Manchester it was still dark 7a.m. As my classes started 8:15 sharply, I needed to leave home early because I took nearly one hour to arrive in my school, in downtown.
Visão do centro de Manchester da janela da minha sala na escola.
A classe basicamente era formada majoritariamente por alunos árabes e sul-coreanos que desejam a proficiência em inglês para avançar nos estudos na Inglaterra.
Eu era a mais velha da turma, e estava num curso de 2 semanas, considerado, "de férias". A maior parte deles vai ficar um ano estudando inglês.
Vision of downtown of Manchester from one window of the classroom I stayed.
The class was formed mostly by Arab and South-Korean students, who focus in get the proficiency certificate to advance their studies in England.
I was the older student and I was regarded as "vacation course" one, who would stay only 2 weeks. Most of them will stay for at least one year.
Visita à Chinatown. / Visit to Chinatown.
Almoço no restaurante Wasabi, em Chinatown. / Lunch at Wasabi, in Chinatown.
As bibliotecas públicas: tesouros de Manchester! Primeiramente, a Biblioteca Central. Quando a vi pela primeira vez, no domingo, meu coração até bateu mais forte!!
The public libraries: treasure of Manchester! Firstly, the Central Library: when I saw it for the first time on Sunday, my heart ever beat faster!!
Esta é a fachada da Biblioteca John Rylands, que tem este nome em homenagem a John Rylands, homem riquíssimo da cidade. Quando ele morreu, sua viúva Henrietta mandou construir a biblioteca. Um gesto magnífico.
This is the front of John Rylands Library, which has this name in homage to John Rylands, a very rich mancunian man. When he died, his widow, Henrietta, oredered the construction of this building. Such magnanimouness.

Depois das bibliotecas, a livraria: Waterstones, a maior livraria do norte da Inglaterra.
After libraries, the bookshop: Waterstones, the largest bookshop in the north of England.
E depois de tudo... um pumpkin spiced latte... / And after all... a pumpkin spiced latte...
Certainly a different look from your home. You must have been in librarian heaven between that library and that bookstore! It must have been very gratifying to find you qualify as an advanced level student!
ResponderExcluirHi Sheila, thanks for writing!
ExcluirYes, my most amazing trip ever! I choose Autumn because I wanted to see personally the trees losing their yellow, red and brown leaves I saw in books, magazines and movies. Believe me, it is more beautiful personally!! And the red brick houses... so enchanting!! Yes, seeing all these regal libraries and bookshops that I researched through Google for months were a big, great experience. It was like being introduced personally to a very admired personafter having only meeting online. A heaven, much particular mine. Once I read from Helene Hanff's book that every person met their own version of London and that she met the London she read in her books. Well, I met the North England of the great libraries, writers and universities.
Finally, I was so happy because I finished my English course in Brazil in 2012 and I was resigned to come back to Intermediate. So, imagine my surprise to be evaluated as Advanced and keep up with my colleages! My years reading every day made me able to be equal in reading and writing... but the hearing and pronuncition...
Thanks again!