sábado, 29 de julho de 2017

Piracicaba 2017

Olá, queridos leitores!
Em 23 de julho, domingo, peguei um ônibus para Piracicaba pois de 24 a 28 de julho participei de um curso de Aquarela Botânica na ESALQ. Estava muito feliz pela oportunidade e com altas expectativas em relação ao curso.
Hello dear readers!
July 23rd I took the bus to go to Piracicaba city in Sao Paulo state countryside in order to attend Botanical Watercolor classes at ESALQ (Superior School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz). Very happy and with high spectations!!

Para levar parte dos suprimentos, confeccionei esta bolsa reciclando velhas calças jeans compradas em bazares e uns blocos que sobraram de um curso de patchwork que participei no ano passado. Ficou um pouco torta mas funcionou.
In order to take some of the supplies, this big purse was made with haste using some old denin bought in thrift stores and some patchwork blocks from a class that I attended last year. It got a little crocked but it worked.

Rio Piracicaba / Piracicaba river
No ano passado eu fiz o curso de Desenho Botânico com o magnífico professor Lindolpho Capellari, mas não pude visitar o rio Piracicaba. Neste ano decidi que chegaria antes à cidade para visitar o rio e almoçar num dos restaurantes à sua margem. Excelente experiência!
Last year, when I attended Botanical Drawing with superb professor Lindolpho Capellari, I coudn't pay a visit to Piracicaba river. In this year I decided to arrive earlier in order to visit the riverbank park and have lunch in one of its numerous restaurants.  It was a excellent experience!

ESALQ na segunda-feira de manhã/ Superior School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz at Monday morning

O curso de Aquarela Botânica foi na mesma sala do curso anterior, dentro do Museu de Ciência e Educação da ESALQ.
The Botanical Watercolor classes were taken inside Science and Education Museum at ESALQ, the same as the last class.

Conhecendo as tintas e fazendo as primeiras tabelas de cores
Getting to know the paints and making the first color charts.

Professora Zelinda Jordão mostra um de seus trabalhos para os alunos.
Teacher Zelinda Jordão shows one of ther artworks to her students.

Estudando flores brancas... Studying white flowers...

... e fazendo mais tabelas de cores! ... and making more color charts!

Minha primeira pintura de flor branca! My first painting of a white flower!

Estudando, desenhado e pintanto um lírio amarelo.
Studying, drawing and painting a yellow lilly.

Minha primeira pintura botânica de um lírio amarelo. O desenho ficou péssimo mas a pintura ficou ótima.
My first botanical painting of a yellow lilly. The drawing was very, very bad, but the painting was so good!

Vitória! Victory!

Tabela de verdes. Felicíssima porque descobri como misturar amarelos e azuis para conseguir verde água, verde musgo e verde oliva! 
Greens chart. I am so happy that I discovered how to mix yellows and blues to get acqua green, teal green and olive green!

Os muito talentosos participantes do curso com a professora Zelinda Jordão.
The so talented students with teacher Zelinda Jordão.

2 comentários:

  1. How wonderful that you were able to attend this class again. Such lovely surroundings outside. It looks like you made good progress. That lily painting is awesome! I was sketching some yellow daylilies yesterday and am trying to decide whether to add some color to the sketch, either with colored pencil or watercolor paint. I'll have to go back to the park and look at them some more.

    I need to make some charts like yours! One of my Sketchbook Skool teachers recommended using the first page of your sketchbook to make such charts and see how your paints work on the paper in that sketchbook. Paper makes a difference, I am learning.

  2. Dear Sheila, thanks for writing!
    It was a privilege for me to attend this class, I needed to spend a little more than last year, it is watercolor, after all. But it was worth it!
    I liked very much to make the paintings but the color charts were my delight... specially the green one. I love watercolor sets with 24 and 36 colors because of all their greens and roses... But it seems that knowing the mixings I don't need all that colors...
    Yes, do the charts, I myself can tell you that they are very important.
    Thanks again!!
