terça-feira, 4 de julho de 2017

Exposiçao de Sumi-e na Biblioteca Monteiro Lobato / My first solo exposition of Sumi-e paintings at Monteiro Lobato Library

Olá, queridos leitores!
A fim de não deixar o Dia do Imigrante Japonês em branco, decidimos montar uma exposição de Sumi-e no saguão no pé da escadaria que dá acesso ao acervo da biblioteca.
Estas fotos foram tiradas no primeiro dia da exposição, que contou com a visita da mamãe, que veio prestigirar o evento.

Hello dear readers!
In order to celebrate the Day of Japanese Immigrant here in Brazil we (me and some coworkers of Monteiro Lobato Library where I work) decided to set a little exposition of Sumi-e paintings in the hall near the stairway that leads to the collection.
This pictures were taken in the first day of the exposition, when my mom went to see it.
A day of rare joy and pride.

A exposição contou com produções antigas (como os caquis e os quatro nobres) e outras mais recentes (como as corujas)
The exposition was supplied with older paintings, like the persimmons and the 4 nobles and my newest explorations, like my owls.

3 comentários:

  1. How exciting for you, especially sharing it with your mother. Congratulations on a lovely exhibit of your work.

    1. Thanks Sheila!
      You know, I decided to lend my paintings because June 18th is the Japanese Immigrant Day here in Brazil, and, unless I did it, there wouldn't were any celebration honoring this day. So I did it for personal reasons. Besides, my mother couldn't go to the Japan Festival in Sao Paulo city (our capital) so a exposition in Guarulhos (in my workplace nevertheless) would be easier to her. Some coworkers helped me a lot, working in setting the frames and the exposition itself. A coletive work that worked!

    2. How wonderful. I am doubly impressed and excited for you that you could make this happen. :-)
