sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Primeiras tentativas em papel marmorizado

Preciso dizer que fiz um ótimo uso da semana em que fiquei de licença médica por causa da conjuntivite e aprendi a fazer papel marmorizado.
Assisti a vários vídeoaulas  no YouTube para aprender como se faz (materiais, ferramentas, etc.)
Gostaria de citar algumas fontes, nacionais e estrangeiras:
Obviamente as minhas folhas são bem básicas, nem posso comparar com a arte mostrada nestes links do YouTube, mas com certeza foram muito inspiradoras para mim. Além do que, precisava começar de algum lugar, certo? Este é o caminho do aprendiz.

Veja algumas das minhas folhas:

2 comentários:

  1. I've tried marbling on fabric, with less than satisfying results but have not tried paper. A nice way to fill your down time.

  2. Hi Sheila, thanks for stopping here!
    For me it was a very unusual week, staying at t home because conjunctivitis and cold got me at the same time. In the beginning of the week I slept a lot but after a few days I could put into practice this project that I have desired to do since last year. Well, I started too much simple: water, a oblong container to the water, acrylic ink in the primary colors, black and white; more water to the ink, white paper 90g/m2 and, a plastic spoon, a wood stick and some brushes. And tryings, many tryings!!
    Of course, it is only the beginning, I ever started to try the marbled paper patterns because I don't have the tools I have watched in some videos. But I am very content with the process, the learning and the humble results.
    Thanks again!!

