segunda-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2018

Mamãe e os preparativos para o Ano Novo / Mother and the preparations to the New Year

Olá, queridos leitores!
Feliz Ano Novo!
Quero documentar aqui alguns preparativos da mamãe tocante ao almoço de Ano Novo.
Atualmente ela tem 76 anos e ainda faz questão de manter algumas tradições do Ano Novo japonês conforme ela aprendeu na infância: ela faz o mochi (bolinhos de arroz) e o manju assado (doces tradicionais). Eu sou uma privilegiada!

Hello, dear readers!
Happy New Year!
I want to share with you some pictures of the efforts my mother made concerning the New Year lunch. Nowadays she is 76 years old and she wants to keep some traditions of Japanese New Year as she learnt in her childhood: she made the moch (rice balls) and the manju (traditional sweet). I am so privileged because she is auto sufficient and wanted to do these kind of foodstuff that is so hard and take soo much time to make.

2 comentários:

  1. Wish I could sample these - they look so good. Love your mother's smile. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year Sheila!
      Thanks for writing! You know, I like to take and share these pictures of my mother cooking for the New Year, she is so enthusiastic about it! It is a little way to honor her and our heritage. And believe me, these goodies are as good as they appear!!
      Thanks again!
