Olá, queridos leitores!
Apresento fotos das primeiras duas oficinas de encadernação artesanal que fazem parte da programação do Festival Literalmente Isso, realizadas às 4as.feiras a tarde no Espaço do Acervo Braille da Biblioteca Monteiro Lobato, no centro de Guarulhos. O diferencial deste ciclo de oficinas é que depois da confecção dos livros em brancos, faço uma mediação de leitura, que de certa forma tem a ver com a encadernação feita.
Nesta primeira oficina li o conto de Machado de Assis Um apólogo, para exemplificar a diferença entre material e ferramental e o livro de imagens A flor do lado de lá, de Roger Mello, para falar um pouco da natureza da leitura na paginação.
Hi dear readers!
I show you pictures of the 2 first bookbinding workshops that make part of Literally This Festival, that happens in all Wednesdays of April in the Braille Collection Space inside Monteiro Lobato Library, in Guarulhos downtown. What makes this cycle of workshops different from my previous ones is that after making the book of the day some literary pieces are read aloud.
In this first workshop (when a simple pamphlet stitiching was taught) I read Um apólogo, from Machado de Assis (to explain the difference between materials and tools) and A flor do lado de lá, a image book from Roger Mello, to speak about the nature of reading turning a page.
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Cartaz de divulgação da 2a.oficina, baseada em fotos da 1a. oficina Publicity poster of the 2nd workshop, based in pictures of the 1rst one. |
Treinando para a 2a.oficina...
Rehearsing for the 2nd workshop...
Na segunda oficina, realizada em 12 de abril, ensinei a estrutura dos a dos (2 brochuras compartilhando a mesma capa) e li Nossa rua tem um problema, de Ricardo de Azevedo, que contém 2 pontos de vista acerca de um mesmo episódio.
In the second workshop, that happened in April 12th, I taught Dos a dos structure (2 pamphlets sewn in one cover) and I read Nossa rua tem um problema, from Ricardo de Azevedo, a story with 2 points of view about the same situation.
Interesting concept to combine learning how to make a book with having a book read to you. Your students always look so pleased with their work.
ResponderExcluirHi Sheila, thanks so much for writing and appreciating my humble efforts to make this world better, he he!
ExcluirReading a literary piece after teaching the bookbinding is the way I found to make my workshops work in a Literary Festival. I needed to teach simpler structures to accomodate the reading. So far, it is working. Thanks again!
Ah, yes, you are right about students! Bookbinding workshops here in Guarulhos (I guess that in Brazil as whole is the same) are very rare, mainly for free (I always tell my students that nothing is free in Mayor City services, all of them are paid by imposts). Well, many of them have their first experience with my workshops and after some suffering with needles and drilling their signatures and fingers, they are very happy making their books and seeing them complete.