segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016

Visitei o 16o. Brazil Patchwork Show!! / I paid a visit to 16th Brazil Patchwork Show!!

Olá, queridos leitores!
Quero registrar que visitei o 16o. Brazil Patchwork Show no último sábado (16 de abril) no Espaço de Eventos Pró-Magno, no Bairro do Limão.
Impressionante: vários stands de São Paulo e outros estados.
Quando eu vi os trabalhos expostos pensei: como eu ainda estou distante deste nível de excelência!! Mas pensei logo: faço patchwork como hobby, para me ajudar a relaxar. logo é claro que o meu nível nunca será tão bom quanto das quilteiras profissionais!!

Hello dear readeres!
I want to get registered that last Saturday (April 16th) I paid a visit to 16th Brazil Patchwork Show inside Espaço de Eventos Pro-Magno, at Bairro do Limão neighborhood.
It was so impressive: several stands from São Paulo state and others state as well.
When I saw the exposed products I thought to  myself: how my level of knowledge and dexterity is low compared to these professionals! But after this I thought: well, I do patchwork as a hobby so of course my level won't be so good compared to professional quilters!

Eu e minha colega bibliotecária Juliana Quadros
Me and my fellow librarians Juliana Quadros

2 comentários:

  1. So interesting to see a different country's way of putting on a quilt show. Good thinking on your part not to compare yourself too closely to those who have been at it for a long time and as a profession. So happy you could attend!

    1. Hi Sheila!
      God bless Internet for making it possible!
      Well, I am very aware that patchwork in my case is only a very cherished hobby, not a way of making money to earn my living. And I am very happy being like this.
      I am very happy to attend to, it is another world entirely.
      Thanks again!!
