quarta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2016

Oficina de origami com sensibilização à Literatura infantil com Irene Tanabe no Centro Cultural da Penha / Workshop of Origami approaching of Children's books with Irene Tanabe at Centro Cultural da Penha

|Origamista e contadora de histórias Irene Tanabe / Origamist and storyteller Irene Tanabe

Olá, queridos leitores!
Quero compartilhar que, ao contrário de anos anteriores, quando enlanguecia devido ao forte calor do verão e permanecia improdutiva em janeiro, neste ano de 2016 comecei bem, participando das oficinas de origami com sensibilização à Literatura infantil da arteeducadora Irene Tanabe. Conhecia-a de ouvir falar já a alguns anos mas neste ano conheci-a pessoalmente. Gente, ela é otima!! Recomendo!! Neste mês de janeiro ela abordou em suas aulas os cinco sentidos: visão, audição, olfato, paladar e tato. Sua abordagem de reaproveitar origamis mexeu comigo: de um origami de vaso ela fez um bolinho para contar histórias de bolinhos, fiquei encantada!!

Hello dear readers!
I want to share that, although I got languid and improductive in January because of the hotness of our ruthless summer, this year I started it well enough, attending classes of Irene Tanabe's workshop of Origami approach of children books. She is amazinhg! I recommend!
 In January she taught about the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touche. Her approach of origami, repurposing them astonished me: for instance, she used a original vase origami and transformed it in a cupcake!!

Tia Borboletinha / Auntie Borboletinha
 Na última aula do tema cinco sentidos, Irene trouxe uma convidada especial: Tia Borboletinha, que foi contadora de histórias voluntária na Santa Casa de São Paulo por seis anos. Ela nos contou vários relatos de crianças atendidas por ela, dos vínculos criados. Foi muito emocionante.

In the last class of The five sense theme, Irene brought a very special guest: Auntie Borboletinha who were volunteer storytelling at São Paulo Santa Casa Hospital for 6 years. She told us many stories about the children cared for her, of the binds created for this relationship. It was very touching.

2 comentários:

  1. I must admit your lack of posting was starting to worry me - hoping you were not ill. Happy to see pictures of the workshop in such a light-filled space & your smiling face among the participants.

    1. Hi Sheila, thanks for your lovely comment! How good to know that someone miss me and my posts!!
      Well, in summer usually I don't feel well and I am very improductive, but this year thanks to El Niño the weather have been more compassioante: it rained a lot and the days are cooler. Besides this my new cellphone doesn't blog (I mean that Blogger app doesn't works in it) so I needed to upload my pictures to Facebook and after to Blogger. It's more complicated.
      But it works!!
      Teacher Irene Tanabe is really awesome and I am very grateful for starting 2016 attending her classes!!
      Thanks a lot!!
