quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2014

Mais papel marmorizado / More marbled paper

Olá, queridos leitores!
Neste ano de 2014 faz um ano que comecei a explorar a técnica de marmorização de papeis, primeiro usando uma variação livre da técnica do suminagashi  e agora trabalhando com espessante de água (Carboximetilcelulose ou CMC), solvente (Eco-solve, por favor, porque terebentina fede!) e tinta a óleo. Um desafio. Fico feliz em compartilhar que, a despeito de algumas tentativas fracassadas, estou começando a ver resultados.

Hello dear readers!

Since 2013 I have been exploring marbling paper techniques, starting with suminagashi (free version) and now working with CMC, solvent (in my case, I use some brands of Eco solvents because turpentine stinks) and oil painting. A challenge. I happily share that, although I had some failures, I am beginning to see some positive results.

2 comentários:

  1. It definitely is an art that takes practice to master. I particularly like the first one - such illusion of depth. How will you be using your papers?

    1. Hi Sheila, thanks for comment! It always cheer me up. Marbling is a challenging art because I never know how it will be the result of each marbling session. I have already failed and I don't know why! But the last session gave me these beautiful colorful sheets of paper. How good because now is Spring here and started to rain.
      My plan is using these beautiful papers as book covers. I imagine that is going to be beautiful.
      Thanks again!
